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Designed by Kathleen TaylorProject Details:
Pattern: Prairie Earth & Sky from Fearless Fair Isle Knitting, by Kathleen Taylor
Yarn: Cascade 220 Solids & Heathers
Needles: Sizes 7 & 8 circular (Hiya Hiya interchangeable, 4″ tips)
Size: 36″ bust
Special Notes: Sleeves knit tandem, or as Taylor calls it, the “totally fearless way.”

I’ve been hard at work on this huge sweater project for the last few weeks, and every now and then I need a break!  Keeping a small, totally different, uses-another-part-of-my-brain project going on the side is a sure way for me to stay sane, motivated, and on track to finish my larger project.  Sound strange?  Let me explain:

My huge sweater project. . .
-is heavy, and wears out my hands after a few hours.
-features fair isle and 9 different colors
-is slow to show progress
-is not a social knit

. . . but my current hat project
-is super light
-features cables and fascinating short rows
-has loads of speedy stockinette, worked in the round (love it!!!)
-can be set down and easily picked up again while working at my lys job

Strangely enough, I’ve been splitting my time between them and they’re both getting done super fast. I think they complement each other well: while I’m working on the hat I get inspired to work on the sweater; while I’m working on the sweater and feeling a little tired, I think about how much fun the hat is.  Are you feeling daunted by a huge project in your UFO bin or looking to start something epic from your queue?  Consider adding a smaller companion project to your plate — you might be surprised how much more efficient you are!

Check back on WIP Wednesday to see pics of my hat project!